Motif Duo Breast Pump Review

Through my experience working in L&D, postpartum, and nursery, I have read several breast pump user manuals and have learned how to operate them. But honestly, the pump that I have been most familiar with is the Medela due to having the Symphony pump available at the hospital I work at. Subsequently, I chose the Medela pump when selecting from the options my insurance provided me with. My insurance covered the “Pump in Style Advanced Breast Pump Starter Kit” and Motif kindly sent me the Duo Double electric breast pump in return for an “honest review”. So here is my whole-heartedly honest review including the pros and cons.
Motif Duo Breast Pump Pros
Easiest Transportation
It is lighter than any pump I have worked with (less than a pound) and the pump fits in your hand! It does not need to be plugged in to pump so you do not need to worry about sitting close to an outlet! To charge, you plug the little pump into the charger that came with it. A full charged battery lasted me ten fifteen-minute pumping sessions! It came with a simple black bag for transporting the pump but it could also fit easily into a good-sized purse.
Various settings available
There are 10 different strengths for “massage” as well as “expression”. To me, the massage setting feels a little lighter and more like the baby’s suckle. The expression feels stronger and to me, imitating the feeling of when my baby is in a full pattern of sucking and swallowing. The massage setting is geared to more mimic your baby and to allow letdown happen more naturally, where as the express mode is to help express milk most efficiently.
Quiet Breast Pump
It literally just sounds like a phone vibrating. You can visit my Instagram story of reviews to hear and see the Motif Duo compared to the Medela Pump in Style Advanced Breast Pump.
BPA free
Although the FDA has stated BPA is safe at very low levels, the Mayo clinic states BPA is a concern for infants and children.
Lighted LCD screen
The screen tells you how long you have been pumping for (perfect for us sleep deprived mammas who seem to loose track of time). It also displays the battery life, mode, and the level (1-10) you have chosen.
Closed System
A “Closed system” means the pump has the ability to prevent any back flow of milk and prevents exposure to outside air which may cause contamination as well as mold growth. You would think all breast pumps have this feature- but they actually do not!
*Side note: Do not get the verbiage “closed system and “hospital grade” pump confused as they are not synonymous. The FDA has stated there is no consistent definition for the term “hospital grade”, meaning companies may imply different things when this term is used.
The Motif Duo comes with 3 different shield sizes (21mm, 24mm, and 27mm), the Medela pump most widely covered by insurance (Pump in Style Starter Set) only comes with one shield size (24mm). How do you know what shield size you are? Measure your nipple in mm and the breast shield should be 2-3 mm wider than the nipple. Just be aware that your nipple size does usually increases towards the end of pregnancy. Other accesories include the nipples, caps, bottles, and bag.
Memory setting
I was at first intimidated by this feature- see the cons below! But, the benefits outweigh the intimidation aspect. This unique feature allows you to save and customize your pumping session, providing the opportunity for personnel comfort and optimal milk expression. I can see this setting being extremely helpful for someone who solely pumps, but for me personally, I do not think I will be taking full advantage of this setting.
Motif Duo Breast Pump Cons
Learning Curve
There are seven steps to utilize the memory mode, thus to this simplicity lover the memory setting a bit daunting to utilize. There are only four buttons on the little pod, so how hard can it be? I tried following the seven steps and it really isn’t that difficult you just need to hold certain buttons down for 3 seconds. Although, I do not think I would remember how to do it tomorrow without reading the instructions again!
Accessibility to Supplies
Motif supplies are not as widely accessible as other leading brands that are available in Target and Wal-Mart. Extra Motif supplies are available online.
Indifferent information regarding Motif Duo
- I thought it was just as easy to clean as other breast pumps- nothing too special here.
- Cost: Sells for $159 off Amazon, $190 on website. This is a great deal especially when compared to Medela products. But, I think the biggest factor here is what your insurance is willing to cover.
- One year warranty, similar to other breast pumps.
Would I Recommend The Motif Duo?
Absolutely! I would recommend the Motif Duo Breast Pump. Overall, if I knew about the Motif Duo prior to ordering my Medela, I would have chosen the Motif if also covered by my insurance. To see if your insurance will provide a Motif pump you can visit their website