Welcome to Mommytobeprep
About Me
My name is Breanne. I am passionate about ALL THINGS MOTHERHOOD- ESPECIALLY delivering healthy babies to healthy mamas. I have my bachelor’s degree in nursing and my RNC certification in Obstetrics. I love my job as a labor and delivery nurse (5 years now) and a AFFA group fitness instructor emphasizing in yoga (6 years now).
Most of my time is spent mothering an incredible baby girl after our IVF journey- furthering my passion for motherhood. I am married to my dreamboat Bryce who is currently completing his medical residency as an Orthopedic Surgeon in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Mommytobeprep’s Mission
Mommytobeprep will prepare your MIND and BODY for not only labor and delivery, but also for what comes after!
Evidence based education plus perinatal exercises can arm parents with POWER.
- ENLIGHTEN: A feast of evidenced based education at your fingertips.
- EFFICIENT: Perinatal education and exercise taught together, a complete mind AND body experience for ALL levels. Worth. your. valuable. time.
- EASILY UNDERSTOOD: Complex jargon that is made decipherable to the average person.
- EMPOWER: Come away with knowledge and strength, trusting in your innate parent intuition, body, and team.
The information given on Mommytobeprep is strictly for general educational reasons only. Each pregnancy and delivery is unique. This website is not intended as personal advice, nor should it ever be used as a substitute for your own health care team’s guidance, recommendations and care. Consult your own Medical Provider or personal Nurse when making decisions. The information on this website does not necessarily represent the views of any hospital organization.